Insightful Uber rides

As life moves on I realise how interesting people can be. One of the many conversations I have is with Uber drivers. I’ve had some very insightful and sometimes strange conversations. From people telling me they hate South Africans before I reveal, I am originally from there to someone asking me for a reference to join the company I was working at.

Frequently however the conversation moves to investing. (Ask my wife, they almost always end up there). They are in line with the conversations I have with my barbers and almost everyone in my life. I might be addicted but this isn’t the time or place to try and seek help.

The conversation is usually quite similar to those I’ve discussed at length here on the blog. The problem and my frustration is that I have such a limited amount of time with them. I would love to spend a few hours with them to see how they can get going as soon as possible. I would make a book suggestion and then they would just skip right ahead to “But what are you invested in.” We all know how I feel about that. *Insert the fish and a man analogy here.*

This has been a very roundabout way to discuss and talk about something that has been in my heart for quite some time. Giving Back!

Investing in people

Now I really don’t want this blog to become another self-help guru-inspired MLM, however, I do think it is very important that we get to a stage in life where we can give back to people. The key being we get to the place of “enough” and we consciously decide to give back to those who need guidance or help.

Naturally, for me I would probably create a place for people to come and have conversations about investing, life and everything in between. Too often I speak with people and I ask them why they are doing what they are doing? Most of the time the answer if there is one is very vague. It’s to be expected because a lot of people (probably you if you are reading this) were thrust into life and a default path has been set. School > Uni > Work > Retire very old > Pass on.

Now call me pessimistic but that sounds kinda “mid” as the kids would say these days… Please don’t unsubscribe.

What is enough?

Enough means something very different to every single person. We have a very definite amount in mind, and once we hit that we would classify ourselves as having “enough”. That means we would not be able to purchase any more physical things or accumulate more money just because we want more money. We have enough resources to keep going indefinitely.

That amount is different for every, however, you HAVE to in my opinion know what it is. Why? Well after you decide you have enough, you can truly live. You can do what you want but also you can help others get there. YOu can go and volunteer at your local church. You can go and help a friend renovate his home, you can invest in their business by lending your skills.

That to me is what is important.

You’re not my dad!

You’re right. Im not telling you what to do but what else is there? The more I think of it, once I have enough, it will be terribly boring if you only want to dedicate your time to watching Netflix and eating pizza. Like yea that’s cool for a week then you will be bored out of your mind. Why wouldn’t you rather dedicate yourself to something meaningful that could help you and other around you.

Cool things

🚙Our Tesla Stock

A while back I told you I bought a single Tesla stock and wowee look at her go!

Im not saying you should buy the stock but hey those are some nice gains! Stay tuned for more posts on how our single Tesla Stock is doing. Side bar I actually like Elon, he is trying to solve large problems to help a lot of people. So definitely on brand for this post.

📖Awesome Fiction

As a fiction author myself, if I wanted to get better, I need to read or in my case listen to more books. I have just completed the first book from Joe Abercrombie, and wow! If you love gritty medieval novels with a silly overtone then this is definitely for you.

Thats all for today folks! See you next month. As always my email inbox is always open to some discussions. Speak soon.