🪙Work with me

A bit about me

I've invested and grown our own investment portfolio from zero - six figures.

I had a dream of living a life where I am no longer constrained by meetings, working 9 - 5 and never experiencing life to its fullest.



The question I always had was, how do I  take this dream and turn it into reality? Marriage makes you think about your future and family. I did not know what to do or where to begin.

I found answers in a book my father recommended me years ago. The book changed my life and set our family on the path that we are on today.

What does this mean for you?

All of this information and practical application is something I am extremely passionate in sharing with anyone willing to listen. That being said, not everyone is ready nor will they ever be.

How can I help you?

📞You can book a 1 on 1 call with me.

I will guide you through my custom-made workbook and discuss practical steps on how you can get started in the world of financial independence.

What you'll get :

  • Custom-made Financial Independence Manual curated and developed over years of investing and striving for financial independence.
  • Specific actionable advice for your situation
  • Practical steps to help you start and stay on track to financial independence

If you do not feel that the consultation delivered value, we offer a full refund no questions asked.

📈 Financial Independence Manual

Work through the FIRE manual at your own pace.

✉️ Monthly Investment Newsletter

The blog is created around authenticity and transparency. If you are interested in exactly what our portfolio is every month and how we allocate our money, you can subscribe to our monthly Investment Newsletter.

What you'll get :

Us sharing our actual numbers every single month. I will also share all future projects and books I am reading here.