All good things must come to an end...

Important Update

Well, it's been 4 and a bit years and well the time has come… I’ve had a lot of fun but I think it’s time for me to call it quits...

JUST KIDDING, relax. I told you we’re in it for the long haul baby!

On a more serious note, there are a few changes.

  • I will be posting once a month on the 1st of every month
  • I will continue to share our journey midway through the year and then at the end of the year.

Why? I am doing this because I wanted to ensure that every post I create is valuable. I’ve seen how the FIRE movement has grown over the past 5 ish years we’ve been part of it.

With it, a lot of awesome bloggers, YouTubers, and other online personalities have sprung up. Our goal still hasn’t changed. We want to show every person out there that you can reach FIRE within 10 - 15 years with focused effort.

Since I started the blog, we’ve also said hello to two awesome children and I am releasing my first novel at the end of May. The blog will continue to provide FREE value to anyone that crosses its path. Im choosing quality over quantity.

Now on to the show xo

Banks go belly up

As I’m sure you are aware, well maybe you aren’t but a few large banks have gone belly up because clients were withdrawing more money than they had on hand. Surprise to some, banks invest and loan people’s money out to make more money…

Stating the obvious aside, have a look at Plain Bagels video where he goes into it at length :

This was a crazy event. Almost as crazy as the stuff that was happening in 2008 with the banks. Luckily as my friend above stated, these banks and the situations are being fully investigated and hopefully, all of the investors can get some or all of their money back.

Final Thoughts

I wanted to thank you all for continuing to support the blog. I want to make sure that it really provides the best value to all of my readers with every post.

I will see you in the new month!

All the best, and happy investing.